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Routine foot care is the trimming of toenails and calluses as needed on an individual basis. The frequency with which a person requires care is primarily based on two things:


  • How quickly toenails and/or calluses grow

  • How often one can afford to have the service done


Most people use my services every 2-3 months; some choose to be seen more often and a few people only use me every 4-6 months. It is entirely up to the individual. Keep in mind, the longer one goes between appointments, the longer the appointment may take which could result in a higher cost to the client. Appointments are allotted 55 minutes with an “additional time” fee of $1 per minute beyond 55 minutes.

About the Owner



My name is Cheryl M. Geraci (CMG), and I am the owner of CMG Routine Foot Care. In October 1995, I began my routine foot care business with a focus on providing people with personal, TLC-oriented service. By providing services where the client lives, I eliminate many frustrations, some of which include:


  • Parking challenges

  • Going out in inclement weather conditions

  • Depending on a family member or friend to take them to and from the appointment

  • Waiting past their appointment time because “The doctor is running late”

  • Last-minute cancellations by the doctor because “An emergency came up


My traveling to a client not only eliminates the worry of all the above mentioned situations, it also allows the client to remain comfortable in their own surroundings.

My Professional History

Dec 1983

Feb 1984

Sep 1986

Mar 1988

May 1995

Oct 1995

Nov 1997


Graduated from Technical School of Orthopedics and Mission College.

Began working at San Jose Medical Group (SJMG) as an orthopedic technician in the Orthopedics Department.

SJMG hired a podiatrist and I began also working in the Podiatry Deptartment.

SJMG hired another podiatrist and I gradually began working more and more in the Podiatry Department. During this time I began to truly appreciate the practice of Podiatry. This doctor was a very good mentor and he made learning about podiatry exciting and fulfilling.

I conceived the idea for CMG Routine Foot Care due to the fact that most people had to pay “out-of-pocket” and the doctor only had time to spend about 5-7 minutes with each patient.

CMG Routine Foot Care was officially in business. I initially saw clients on a part-time basis while still working 3½ days a week at SJMG.

I took the plunge and quit working for SJMG to dedicate myself full-time to my growing clientele.

I obtained status as a Certified Foot Care Specialist (CFCS) through the American Foot Care Nurses Association (

Professional History

Though the benefits of regular routine foot care vary from person-to-person, the most important benefit is to maintain healthy toenails and feet. Receiving regular foot care helps maintain hygiene, physical mobility, and comfort. Simply put, routine foot care feels good!


  • Physically: Shoes and slippers fit more comfortably which then allows individuals the ability to be more physically active, enabling a better lifestyle and mood.

  • Mentally: Just knowing one’s feet are being cared for offers a sense of relief. When a person knows their feet are cared for, they tend to feel good all over.


  • Socially/Emotionally: People are no longer embarrassed to wear open-toed shoes, or to let their doctor, caregiver, friends or family see their feet. It gives individuals a sense of control and pride, while at the same time decreases shame or embarrassment related to unkept or overgrown toenails and calluses. Healthy, comfortable feet give people more social confidence.

Benefits of Routine Foot Care
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